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What is Leveraged Trading?

Leveraged trading allows traders to operate larger volumes of assets using only a portion of their own capital by borrowing funds from a broker.

How Does It Work?

Typically, trading assets requires investment equal to their value. Leveraged trading enables control of larger positions with smaller capital. The amount of additional funds is determined by the leverage ratio, which can range from 1:10 to 1:100 or higher. For instance, with $100 and 1:100 leverage, a trader can control $10,000.

Margin in Leveraged Trading

Margin is the amount that a trader must deposit to open a leveraged position. It acts as collateral, allowing the trader to borrow additional funds. For example, a $1,000 position with 1:50 leverage requires 2% margin, or $20.

Advantages of Leveraged Trading

  • Control Over Larger Positions: Traders can operate larger amounts than their own capital allows.
  • Potentially High Profits: Successful leveraged trades can yield significant profits.

Risks of Leveraged Trading

  • High Risks: Possibility of substantial losses exceeding the initial capital.
  • Margin Requirements: Need to monitor margin levels to avoid automatic position closure.

Example of a Trade

A trader has 100 EUR and wants to buy dollars at an EUR/USD rate of 1.10. With 1:20 leverage, the trader can control 2,000 EUR or 2,200 USD. If the rate rises to 1.12, the profit would be 40 USD.

When to Start Leveraged Trading?

Leveraged trading is recommended for experienced traders who understand the risks and know how to manage capital. Beginners should start with smaller, less volatile markets, using margin and conducting thorough research.

Leveraged trading can be profitable but requires careful risk management and a deep understanding of leverage and margin mechanics.

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في البداية، لم أكن متأكدًا من أنني أريد التعاون مع هذه المنصة بالذات. أنا معتاد على وجود عدة أنواع من الحسابات وعدد كبير من إعدادات الحساب. بمعنى آخر، هناك مساحة للمناورة. فقط لاحقًا أدركت أن هذا ميزة حقيقية - عندما يكون هناك حساب واحد فقط، بشروط بسيطة ومفهومة، ولا تحتاج إلى التفكير فيما يجب اختياره. ولكن منصة التداول Quadcode Markets هي قصة مختلفة تمامًا. فهي قابلة للتخصيص بشكل أكبر مما كنت أتخيله. مئات الأصول، وعشرات المؤشرات، والتقويمات والحاسبات المدمجة، والكثير من الوظائف التي لم أكن أعرف عنها (على سبيل المثال، NBP). في الوقت الحالي، يمكنني القول إنني أشعر بالراحة أثناء التداول.

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